Monday, November 1, 2010

*Looking Back At 2009/2010*

Time really flies with a blink of an eye. 2 more months and we're coming to the end of Year 2010. Looking back the calender, what have we accomplish along the entire journey of 2009/2010.

Life is really amazing and full of surprises (Both Good & Bad) !! Things don't always happen as what you have planned. Murphy's Law is the often the most frequent rule that comes to visit our life !! But of course, there're many beautiful moments that occurs without any knowledge in us !!

2009 & 2010 were fast moving years for me, so fast that I couldn't remember what had happened expect for work !!! Guess I've sunk myself into army for too long and too much, 7 years in 5SIR, Bukit Panjang Camp. Though my career is going smooth and well, but my life evolves nothing but work, work and more work !! In my 7 years stint, I've done 3 ndps and countless of outfields, courses and gotten countless awards. But nothing beats NDP 2009 !! Like what my officer said, "Bryan, no one benefits more than you do in NDP 2009 !!!" exclaimed MAJ Lim Chee Meng, S3. Why ?!!! Haha !!! That's because I've found my true love in my 3rd NDP during my 7 years stint in 5SIR (Don't think i slack at work) !!! This is definitely the best NDP I enjoyed working with. The people I work with and the people i meet along the way, it's never found in my previous 2 attempts.

The most beautiful thing that happened in 2010 to us was we never expected ourselves to be planning for marraige !!! Everything happened in an instant !! The spark started from trying out an application of a BTO at Dawson. And it was like a wild fire in a forest, we're buying rings, choosing our BTO, booking our hotel for our Wedding...etc !!! My plan was to get married in 2 years time when i'm 30, now it has been fast forward by a year !! Well, life isn't like a bed of roses, but there are certainly sweet events happening one after another. Like us, the most amazing event is we are getting MARRIED !!! Haha !! Yes !!!! We've proven to the myths tbat COUPLES WILL NEVER LAST WHEN THEY MEET IN NDP.

Now that we're near to the end of 2010, it is time to look forward to 2011. Planning for New Year resolutions 2011 is no longer what I should do, what I should aim for, what i can achieve, not as an individual but as a family !!! It's no longer me and me alone, it's a start to a new life, a life involving two hearts close together, working towards an unknown future, crafting every single details. I'm so excited about the new life !!! Hope my wife to be is excited about it too !! Haha !!

Bryan & Rowena

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