Sunday, November 21, 2010


Do people change their lifestyle overnight or do they change their lifestyle because of certain event or certain aim ? Or should i say "Can people change their lifestyle overnight or Can they change their lifestyle because of certain event or certain aim ?"

Not a lot of people can do that including me of course. My aim to have a constant healthy lifestyle has always been unsuccessful even up til now. Though I've achieved it before, along the way, there's always ups & downs & negative influences. When you have friends as training buddies, with that kind of bond, encouragement & motivation for one another, achieving the lifestyle is easy. However, when either one decides to quit or loses heart, the lifestyle is difficult to maintain and often goes back to square one.

Rowe has been diligent in trying to get back to her healthy lifestyle and to be in better shape for our Wedding. Constantly getting me to jog with her, clocking really good timing for long distance runs as well as clocking good mileage on a weekly basis. On top of that, she even signed up with California Fitness for 3 years and attend the gym sessions and classes provided on a regular basis. With so much effort put in, I really see that she has distinct changes in the past 1 month.  Love you baby !! How can i lose out to her myself right ?? Haha !! Well, that's not the point in this posting. With so much effort being put in by her, as her husband to be, I should be supportive !!! I've gone through so many painful experiences just to get back to shape and to maintain it alone is so difficult to do so. I will not want her to go through the cycles.

Since Rowe has gotten me entry pass to California Fitness, I will make it a point to keep her company every week to hit the centre as much as I could. This can also be another "Together" thingy that we can do weekly, in a healthy way. After my course in Feb, I will join the club and accompany her too.

Love you Baby, Thanks for all the efforts that you are putting in & I promise all these efforts will not go to waste. I will do my ulmost best to help u reach desired weight and goal that you've set !!!

Bryan & Rowena

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