Saturday, November 20, 2010

*Live Band & Wedding Invitation Cards*

Finally the first week of my course is over and glad that i'm still alive & kicking !! The course is truely enriching, however tough at the same time. Foot Drills under the sun had left me with perfect tan this week. However, that will not be the case for the next 2 weeks. And my Pre-Wedding Shoot is right after my course !!! Nevertheless, preps for our Wedding still has to go on !! NO EXCUSES !!

Getting back to our preparations for the Big Day, after months of searching, we've finally engaged Lush Entertainment to provide us beautiful tunes that's music to our ears. Attending their Live Performance at Park Royal, the combination of their 3 piece (Keyboard, Saxophone & Vocal) was pretty good & they do provide a wide variety of music.

Lush Entertainment

The entire puzzle is forming soon with each piece of the puzzle falling into place slowly. With most of the preparations coordinated up til now, we can start thinking of what to do with our Wedding Invitation Cards. Should we follow the traditional Wedding Invitations provided by the Hotel or should we design our very own unique Invitations. Rowe, being a creative and hands on person, has quite a few interesting ideas. Guess I should let her decide on this, but at the same time collect the Wedding Invitation Cards provided by the Hotel as a backup. Hee..

After listening to Rowe's ideas, i just can't wait to see the final product !!

Til then...

Bryan & Rowena


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