Wednesday, November 10, 2010

*Small Hurdles*

As much as we will love to plan ahead and proceed with our plans when the day comes, but life isn't a bed of roses. Murphy's Law (Whatever can go wrong will go wrong) will always get you when least expected.

Our Pre-Wedding Plans have been sailing smoothly with all the shopping until schedule of Photo Shoot, trying of gowns and practice of our dance routine. Everything has been allocated a date in Dec and Jan. Like i sais, Murphy's Law caught up with us !!! I'm being scheduled for upgrading courses in November to December & January to Feburary, practically totalling up to 3 months !!! If you think that's all, i've gotten my new posting today !!! And it falls on the exact day of my Photo Shoot !!! Looking at it, we don't have much time left to do our things as it'll be Chinese New Year when my course ends !! And when Chinese New Year is over, it is MARCH 2011, the month of my marriage !!!

Luckily our jobs routine have prepared us well for Fire Fighting !! Why ? There're always last minute changes when someone(sitting at the top) decides on something else. We've been drilled to create miracles (actually is cannot take NO as an answer, must die die get it done) !!! Have to squeeze out time from somewhere to squeeze in the Photo Shoot, trying of gowns and practice of the dance routine.. ... ..

I've always believe to look on the bright side of light. Stay positive and things will go well. For the time being, we'll just be happy and see what happens as the days draw nearer..

~Always Look On The Bright Side Of Light ! Whistle~

Bryan & Rowena

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