Friday, November 19, 2010

*Can't Hardly Wait*

It's exactly 120 days to go before the big event!

Marriage is tedious and dreadful... and many a times, we question the choices we made ... but like what Mrs Tay says, the choice is yours, you chose the guy / gal.. so live with it! How true..
I believe we might in an occasion have such thoughts.. however, are we gonna avoid the problem and leave or stay put to overcome?

Like they all say, the wedding is only the beginning, what's more important is the life together after the wedding...

Once again, was very much inspired after one of my meetings, where the topic shared was on "Love and Marriage". It's just so nice and inspiring to hear seniors as well as women who have been married for many years, share their experiences and their pointers to us younger generations. Who says religious meetings have got to always talk about faith or about those cheem cheem stuff. Religion has to be practical as well, i am not belittling any religion here, but what i meant is that, it has to play a very important part in your life and the way you choose to live your life.

I will share what i feel will always be etched in my heart, and i made a resolve to really be a good wife, mother and daughter (in-law). It is only right.

1. Always look past the surface and see through a person's true essense.
Bryan is not perfect, so am i. But i believe we saw pass the imperfections and really understood the values and character we each looked for in one another to want to make such a bold step.

2. " A marriage is defined not by the mutual admiration two people have when they look into each other's eyes, but rather by the cooperative action they take as they look toward their mutual goals and strive to achieve them" Dr Daisaku Ikeda
Yes! How true! After a few years, that same face definitely will become boring and nothing new.. just a few added wrinkles and an increase in fat percentage throughout the body! However, what remains unchanged is the actions we take as a couple, and how we go about achieving the goals we set together.

3. " When two people are in love and their relationship makes them better peopl, then that is a good relationship. If, however, the relationship causes them to ruin their lives, then it is a bad relationship." -
I really believe in this statement, and i believe that we each contribute to each others' lives one way or another. And i feel that i have picked up good values from Bryan and (Hope!) vice versa.

4. Also, another point mentioned by a senior, which sounds soooo simple to do, but is actually the hardest to put into action. To always remain the "Sun" in the family, to project positive energy and happiness to the family. Always smile and never let your own personal problems affect the happiness of the entire family. As life in a marriage is not just you alone, it is a shared life with another person. Life will not longer be "Me, Myself and I".. But "We".

With that, i believe that our life together after March 27 is going to be an exciting roller coaster! Which i cannot wait!!

Till Then...

Bryan & Rowena

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