Monday, November 8, 2010

*Saturday, 26th March 2011 & Sunday, 27 March 2011 Itinerary*

Attending so many traditional Chinese Weddings & being Brothers on several occasions for my friends, the events on the day itself are quite structured and similiar, only difference is whether having more superstituous traditional ceremonies due to different religion & beliefs.

Prior to the actual day, we have to go through the 过大礼。Though Rowe & me are also going through this ceremony a week before the actual day, we still know NUTS about it. Hearing from my friends who had gone through the entire package, it's simply a ceremony of bringing the gifts(品礼) over to the bride's. The gifts are requested by the bride's family according to their customs. Lucky for me, Hokkien traditional is simple and do not want anything. Hence, we'll have a very short list of items to prepare and a very short ceremony to go through. Haha !!

The big headache kicks in during the actual day. Attending so many weddings, all the brides & grooms have a similiar problem on their big day. It's like a trend, they have to keep to the timing, but they don't know the itinerary themselves. After finidng out more from them, the itinerary is actually set by the Hotel Wedding Manager (The person who sells u the banquet package). Hmm... Since it's our wedding, why can't we plan out with our very own itinerary & then discuss with the Wedding Planner and work towards what we want ?

Hence, we decided to do a first draft of itinerary for our own !!! Lucky for us, we have an experienced lady, Felicia from Park Royal Beach Road, as our Wedding Planner, she should be able to advise us more. Since our Wedding is separated into 2 days, we'll have more time !!! After more discussion with Rowe, we've came out with a rough idea on what we want and what to do.

Saturday 26 Mar 2011

0500 - 0530挂红
0530 - 0600Movement to Changi Ballota Condominium
0600 - 0615Open Car Door
0615 - 0630Movement to her home
0630 - 0730Gate Crashing
0730 - 0815Fetch Bride & Pay Respects To Rowe's Parents
0815 - 0900Movement back to home
0855 - 0900Arrival Home
0900 - 0930Tea Ceremony & Pay Respects To Ancestors
0930 - 1030Ceremonies at home
1030 - 1130Movement to SOKA
1130 - 1200SOKA Ceremony
1200 - 1230Movement to Sakura
1230 - 1400Lunch at Sakura
1400 onwardsMovement to Hotel
1800 - 2030Dinner At Park Royal
2030 onwardsSet up of area

Sunday 27 Mar 2011

0900 - 1000Wake Up for preparations
1000 - 1030Set up of area
1030 - 1100Rehearsal of Solemnization
1100 - 1200Solemnization
1200 - 1300Tea Ceremony & Arrival Of Guest, Livestudios Photography
1300 - 1315Start Of Lunch
1300 - 1315Walk In after serving of 1st dish
1315 - 1330First Dance
1330 - 1345Dance From Rowe's Parents
1345 - 1445Free For All Dance
1445 - 1500Thank You Speech & Toast
1500 - 1545Photography
1545 - 1600Walking Out Of Guests

Counting down til the days arrive... .... .... .... .... ....

Bryan & Rowena

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