Saturday, November 13, 2010

*Wonderful Weekend 3*

Time really flies !! It's already SUNDAY !! Argh !!! My last long weekend is coming to an end. =( I'll be away for the next 3 months for my courses. No more late nights, no IPhone, no internet, no tv, only discipline lifestyle & early nights in camp. Need some time to adjust myself to the new lifestyle.

Anyway, its 945am in the morning, rise and shine to the beautiful Sunday ! Rowe is going to leave me for her work later. Work has always been on her mind and whenever it comes to her meals, she'll just do away with a quick bite rather than a proper meal. That's not being healthy. Since she had been great and nice to me the entire weekend, I should do something for her in return. I've bought some ingredients from the Marketplace last night & there's some in the fridge. I believe something can be whipped up to be her lunchie !!

Starting with the Beancurd that I bought last night, season a little bit of salt on the exterior of the Beancurd to have some salty taste. Then panfried over small fire to have a crispy golden brown exterior and silky soft interior. Next is to wash the Enoki Mushrooms, and chop up some garlic. Stir fry the garlics and mix in the Enoki Mushrooms & some minced pork.

Panfried Beancurd Topped With Enoki Mushrooms, Garlic & Minced Pork

Up next is the Marinated Lemon Rosemary Chicken. I've marinated the chicken over night in a concealed container. The flavour will be infused into the meat. Starting with a hot pan, panfry the chicken over a medium fire for about 30secs & do the same for the other side. Lower down the fire and cook the chicken for another 5 - 10mins and it should be done. Lastly boil some water to cook some noodles and mix it with some basic sauces like oyster sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, sweet black soy sauce. And finally to put all of them together for Rowe to bring for lunchie !! Hope she likes it.

Rowe's Lunchie (Lemon Marinated Rosemary Chicken Noodle With Panfried Beancurd Topped With Enoki Mushroom, Garlic & Minced Pork)

Ok !! My long weekend is coming to an end. It's already passed the half day mark, I should be getting back to work, prepare my stuff for my course which starts tmw !! Wednesday is a public holiday !! I can book out in the middle of the week ! Rowe & I will be heading to the California Fitness to hit the gym !! looking forward for it !!!

Bryan & Rowena

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