Saturday, November 13, 2010

*Wonderful Weekend & Wine*

Final long weekend before i start to be away for upgrading courses til the end of January. Rowe travelled all the way across the island from east to west to keep me company for the entire weekend !! So nice of her to do so.. Love you baby !!!

After a fanstatic home-cooked dinner by my Mum, we headed to Jurong Point for a short walk. Damn !! Its Thursday night and we can't even find any seats at Starbucks or Baker's Inn !!! No choice, we settled for 717 Trading Durian. Since my baby is so nice, bought her a nice purple hat which she like !

The start of a wonderful day always begin with a wonderful breakfast !! Hence, the fanstatic breakfast started with the compliments of POST Cereals, Almond with Milo. Since it was to be a stress free weekend, taking public transport instead of driving was the first thing that we agreed. It really had been ages since i took transport since i'm driving daily. Feeling was great as all i had to do was to tap my card and transport is at my footsteps. The experience was wonderful til we bumped into a 60s Trans, an INDIAN somemore !!! He was wearing a Spaghetti green top with PUSH UPS & a long flowery skirt ! Clothings were not an issue, but he had loads of Beard & Goatie on his chin !!! Phew !!! All eyes were on him !!!

Finally reached Outram and we're on our way to SGH for my baby's medical review on her lower back. Poor Rowe had to undergo Physio from now on & Doc asked her to strengthen her core and back muscles. Don;t worry, I'll be there with you babe !!!

We headed down to Central to meet Shennie for a lovely Japanese Ramen Lunch @ Santouka. We had the Pork Cheek Ramen. The portion was huge !! So much that we shared the bowl of ramen. The Pork Cheeks was tender & soft, though a bit saltish but went well with the ramen. Yum Yum !! Thanks to Shennie who introduced us to this ramen shop, definitely hands down Marutama.

Pork Cheek Ramen @ Santouka

We bid farewell to Shennie after the wonderful lunch and proceed down the road to High Street Plaza to meet my Polymate, Karam. Karam is a guru when comes to wine, that's why he has his own Wine Company at High Street Plaza & we're getting our wine supply from him !

Perharps I had refrained myself from alcohol for a long time.Just 2 small glasses of great Chilean wine, and I looked like a Lobster !!! Nevertheless, the wines were great & we've decided to take 80 bottles from Karam at a great affordable price !!! Thanks Bro !!!

Chilean Wine, Noblesse

Lack of certain enzymes in the body & it'll lead to this (I'm not drunk)

We finished the afternoon shopping with an ADVENTURE JOURNEY to West Coast Plaza aka former Ginza Plaza. Being a West Guy for 28 years, getting to West Coast Plaza shouldn't be a big problem but then again, we had a little hiccup. Both of us actually took the shuttle bus, 282, from Clementi Interchange & fallen asleep on the bus !!! That caused us to miss the alighting stop and headed back towards interchange !!! I woke up just in time and alighted 1 stop away from interchange, otherwise the bus driver would be laughing at 2 sleepy heads !! Reaching West Coast Plaza, we headed straight to the places that we wanted to go and bought our stuff. Rowe bought a running tights & I bought a shirt.

What's a good way to end off the day ? A nice dinner !!! And the best is to have a dinner our very own way !! We decided to dish our very own Chicken Cutlet Noodle & Fried Potato Chips !!

Panfried Orange Marinated Chicken Cutlet Noodles With Panfried Potato Chips

Ok !! After having such a delicious looking HEART ATTACK (Quoted By My Boss), something had to be done. Yup !! It's part of our Saturday Planning. Gyming & Running at Orchard California Fitness. Stay Tune for more...

Bryan & Rowena

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