Saturday, October 30, 2010

*Shopping List*

Attending Wedding Fairs, Researching on Bridal Forums, Sourcing information on the World Wide Web, Getting Advices From Friends. Finally after months of preparations, the shopping list that we began this journey with has reduced significantly. What's left to be done are countable.
  1. Our Live Band
  2. Wedding Car (Red Mini Cooper)
  3. Livestudios Photography
  4. Pre-Wedding Shoot
  5. Wines & Beer
  6. Decorations For Our Reception On Actual Day
  7. Honeymoon Destination
The list seems so little, yet there're a lot of work to be done. Coordination with so many different agencies are indeed tiring !!! Lucky with the amount of time we have before our Big Day, we are able to get things to be done one at a time.

To kick off this weekend, we woke up early in the morning (not so early too.. 10am) for our morning jog through Japanese Garden and Chinese Garden !! But all that almost came to nothing after we cooked our own lunch !! Haha !! Look at the pics and they will explain why !!!

Fried Chicken With Pan-Fried Potato Chips Served With Salad

Oven Grilled Rosemary Chicken With Pan-Fried Potato Chips Served With Salad

After a sumptuous lunch, looking at the list that we have, we decided to start with finding our Beloved Wedding Car - RED MINI COOPER !! Thank god for this Wedding Fair at Orchard Central happening today !! We're heading now to Eurokars Leasing (At the Wedding Fair) to book our Red Mini !!! (1 Issue to be completed by this weekend !! Hee)

Up next is our Live Band from Lush Entertainment, this 3 piece band is one of the most important item that is needed for our Big Day !!! How can we leave them out when we want to have our FIRST DANCE !!! Now is to find the 3 sets of songs to be played. Time to visit That CD Shop and look for inspirations !! We love That CD Shop too !! One of our favourite hunt !!!

Networking is super important !! Lucky for me, Karam (Poly Mate) has his own Wine Company that does Imports & Exports. Great wines at affordable prices from him !!! Have to make a trip down to his company to see the wide range of wines. I'm nuts about wines !! Haha !!! Karam can certainly help us in this area. =)

Everything is going smoothly as planned. Even for the Air Tickets !!! Really lucky to stumble onto AirAsia Website and got to know that Air Tickets to Bali is on PROMOTION !! This tiny island makes a perfect short Honeymoon trip right after our Big Day !!! No time to be wasted !! Grabbed the tickets at 344 dollars for 2 !!! Now that our destination is confirmed, shall let Rowe plan the itinerary as she's no stranger to that island !!  =P

Phew !! There's really a lot more to be done.. Need to start planning for the rest of the items, Pre-Wedding Shoot, Decorations for Big Day and  Livestudios Photography... Its near year end too !! That means CHRISTMAS !!! Time to do some Christmas Shopping too !!!


Til then.. .... ....

Bryan & Rowena

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