Friday, October 22, 2010


It was an exciting day yesterday.

It was the day to discuss the gown that i was going to wear the day i become Mrs Lok. Haaahaaa.. It was also the day that i got dear Shenn to pick out Wedding gowns. Its fun when you have another person with you on such shopping trips! We are definitely not doing a repeat of "Bride Wars"! Despite us having similar styles and wants for our dress, we go for different details altogether. I like White, she likes cream /  She likes clean lines and satin, I like the unfinished Oganza, chiffon feel...

But, like they always say, you never really get what you want, cos, number one lesson in selecting a gown, WHAT YOU LIKE AND WANT, WILL NEVER BE THE ONE SUITABLE FOR YOU!...And how true is that! And to me, Forget the idea of the perfect gown, cos, if its tooo perfect, something will always be wrong with it!! hahahaaa..

Anyway, We spent a total of 8 Freakin hours along that street!! unbelievable!
First i tried on like 6 diff. piece, to get the feel of what i want... then went gown shopping with shenn, she picked out some really fantastic ones with fantastic price tags that comes along with it!! And we were all so proud of her for trying on sooo many! Its really a tiring thing, trying on gowns... Lets just see what her dear husband - to - be thinks about her choice..

For me, staying true to my words, i designed something simple, with a touch of purple, just to my liking, which will only be shown to all earliest, at the end of the year..

But Bryan has his pick on what i should wear on the first day, is a black and white number..which is simple and classy, plus I've always been a sucker of black and whites... matched with black gloves, and that's the way to go baby!

And Bryan was soo patient waiting on the two ladies!! Heeheee.. but i bet he enjoys seeing us in our beautiful gowns, and playing part time to Shenn, to give pointers from a guys point of view.

* Pats on Bryan's back for job well done*

As usual the day ends with Yummylicious dinner at our Chinese dinner plc! Yum Yum!

Thats all Folks!!

Bryan & Rowena

1 comment:

  1. I Have To Treat Shenn Nicer Than Ever !!! I Still Want To Have An Easier Gate Crashing Next Year !! Haha !!

