Monday, October 18, 2010

*Excursion Part 2, 171010*

What is the first thing that I will want to do when I wake up early in the morning ? That's having a nice breakfast to kick start the day !!

But when it comes to "What is the first thing that WE want to do when WE wake up early in the morning ?" Make a guess !!


Please don't think that she's the one who drag me into the high noon (though its the truth, Oops !!), i don;t really have the chance to sleep late except for the weekends. Hee.. Anyway, such a bright and sunny lovely sunday for us to continue our quest !! The excursion for our last Photo Shoot Venue, Henderson Waves & Hort's Park. But first, a lovely lunch will have to be set.

Today's menu is Japanese Curry Rice & My Dear's very own Sauteed Potato with Onions. Our first attempt at creating this lovely dish. Inspiration came to us after trying Constance's Japanese Rice. All thanks to her, we came up with our very own creation !

In The Process Of Cooking

Sauteed Potato With Onion

Japanese Curry Rice (Minced Pork, Onion, Carrot & Potato)

With a satisfying lunch, it's time to embark on our incomplete journey to Henderson Waves & Hort's Park !! The journey was rather simple and straight forward, and I had been to both places before, Murphy's Law still kicks in for me !! I mis-orientated and made a wrong exit from the AYE !!! Nevertheless, we still made it !

The journey up ro Hort's Park & Henderson Waves  was a good 2.4km climb. We took a good 45mins to reach the top, enticing ourselves to the surrounding beauty of nature. Here are some photos that we took.

Our Journey Through The Ridges

Journey Up To Hort's Park

Rowe At Henderson Waves

Henderson Waves

Now that we have completed the places that we have in mind. With the research that we've gathered, we can meet our photographer on Friday, 22nd Oct 2010, to discuss our Pre-Wedding Shoot !

Stay Tune For Our Photos !!

Bryan & Rowena

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