Saturday, October 16, 2010

*Excursion Part 1, 161010*

Is the weather in Singapore changing from bad to worse due to Global Warming ? Though we're a city of greens, the greens are not doing any help to the temperature !!! The sun is burning and scorning on our skin !!!

My Facebook on my Iphone are showing most of my friends are hiding this beautiful Saturday in their own small corner of their house - AIR-CON ROOM !!!! How about me ? Well, i'm going on an EXCURSION to the last places in Singapore in the freaky weather with Rowe !! We must be crazy !!! Haha !!

Yup !! As we had planned earlier at the start of this week, an excursion to several places to recce for our photo shoot. As we're in the east today, a visit to Rowe's Grandparents was our Itinerary. Really glad that we made that move !! We had some surprises !! Firstly, lots of new clothings for Rowe (All Branded like AX), Secondly, a Pair of Tag Heuer Watches from Aunt Jac as Wedding Favors(Hopefully) and lastly Aunt Jac offered us to take Wedding Shoot on a YACHT !! That's really great !! Well, we'll KIV that for the time being. After getting all the goodies, we had our lunch at Jalan Kayu, He Ji Wanton Mee before heading to our 1st Check Point, Kampong Buangkok (Last Kampong in Singapore).

何记@Jalan Kayu

Wanton Mee

After our lunch, we headed straight to our 1st stop, Kampong Buangkok, which is a 5mins drive away.

Kampong Buangkok Entrance

Walking into the Kampong really brings me back loads of memories !! Rowe has never stayed nor been to a kampong before. But for me, I'm lucky to be able to experience the simple carefree life in the Kampong at Lim Chu Kang. My grandparents used to live there and rear chickens and plant their own vegetables and even fruit trees !!! I was quite lucky to remember those days as i'm not even 4 years old. I love this place !! The simple life of the people, the natural surroundings, the wooden houses with zinc sheets rooftop, the lovely flowers & fruit trees(we saw coconut) and the electrical cables joining one household to another. This is definitely a place where we must have our Photo Shoot !! Here are some photos which explains all.

A Path Leading To The Residence




Corridor Of The Residence

After our venture at Kampong Buangkok, we headed to Punggol Lallang Fields. The Lallang Fields are everywhere !! It's so large that didn't stop to walk in as we don't know where the exact place is. Hence, we decide to leave it to our Photographer to lead us if we decide to have a shoot there. Anyway, to me, it's just another area like Lim Chu Kang. Haha !! Entire forested area with lallangs and tall grass. We had covered half of our itinerary, what's left was Changi Beach, Portsdown Road, Henderson Waves & Sunset Way.

The weather was really a Killer !! So much that we decided to cut short our itinerary. Looking at it, since we've been to Changi Beach & Portsdown Road several times, we'll give it a miss. Sunset Way here we come !!! We drove our way from Punggol straight back to Clementi. Reaching Sunset Way was easy. But finding a carpark and the entrance to the railway was new to a West Guy like me. We've drove around abit and decided to park in the residential area and climb the slope up to the railway.

The climb up the slope was worth it !! The view was great !!! Only seeing it personally will understand why Mediacorp likes to film at this abandoned Railway. Here are some photos that we took.

Start Of Railway

Walking Through The Railway

In The Middle Of The Railway


Surrounding Of The Railway

Though the weather was a killer, luckily we still went ahead with the excursion. The experience was fulfilling and more or less we decided what will our theme of our shoot be.

The day was ended with a short trip to West Coast Plaza (Former Ginza Plaza). We were surprised to see so much changes ! Though it's a small mall, there're still good finds and bargains. Did a little bit of shopping and had a tea break before heading to the hawker centre opposite West Coast Plaza to packet our dinner(Western Food) to end off the day.

Paradise Inn @ West Coast Plaza

Lavender, Rosemary, Dried Longan & Chrysanthemum Tea

Hopefully, Sunday will have a better weather. We're heading to Henderson Waves & Hort's Park !!

Til Then... .... ...

Bryan & Rowena

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