Wednesday, October 13, 2010

*The Ideal Marriage for both of us*

As part of my work, i had the opportunity to attend a talk on, Pre-Marriage Preparation titled, "Myths and Magic of Love and Marriage". It was indeed interesting and enlightening, especially for someone life me, who will be jumping on the bandwagon very soon.

It was nice that Shenn and Nic agreed to attend as well, as i think it is really good to attend such course to prepare yourself for married life.

Many key points were mentioned, a few left a deep impression on me:

1. What is your ideal marriage?
This question seems so simple, but no one could answer. So, what is our ideal marriage gonna be? It will definitely not be a bed of roses. So what issit going to be?  After much consideration, a few pointers came up, commitment, trust, communication, striving happily together.. etc.

2. There are 5 Love Languages
Different people show their love differently. And this very point, could lead to problems and miscommunication / unhappines, if the couples' love language are different. Which is always the case... Eg, somepeople need to show physicial affection as their form of love, while others show their love through encouragement verbal words. If not well understood, person A might think that Person B only knows how to talk, but no action, and vice versa. Therefore, to recognise, and show loves through different languages.... (Not just bite!)

3. Gender differences
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. How true. Men and Women are made differently. They behave differently as well. Mutual respect is important.

There were many more said and taught, but i guess right now, these are just a few key points to remember and note...

Till Then..

Bryan & Rowena

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