Tuesday, October 26, 2010

*Pre-Wedding Jitters*

Pre-Wedding Jitters are quite common from what my friends told me. I've seen some of them myself too ! When my friends are preparing for their Big Day, can see the stress written all over their face. Where to hold the Wedding, When to hold the Wedding, Who to invite, Where to go for photo shoot, What car to use, Which Bridal Studio to go to... etc !!! Some of them even quarrelled during the process of planning. Eeeewww !!!

Thinking about it, it's all due to the amount of preparations that are needed before the Wedding. Sometimes I really wonder if there's a need to spend so much time and effort & the most importantly, so much $$$ spent just to create such an event !!! Why can't we just get over with all the unnecessary hassles, sign the papers and declare MARRIED COUPLES !!!

Now that we've done most of our preparations for our Big Day, we're realising why such an event should be created. Actually having this Event is a great idea and there're advantages too !!
  1. Firstly, it's only once in a lifetime.
  2. Secondly, it's an event that both of you work together for the first time.
  3. Thirdly, everyone can share the joy with us.
  4. Fourthly, We'll be the STARS of the night !
  5. Lastly, It's the experience that is so valuable that money can't buy !
There will definitely be lots of differences in the different stages of planning. Having the ups and downs are great because it is a small test to see how the couples work together to overcome the hurdles. The saying is good "What doesn't kills you, makes you stronger". True enough, by overcoming these small hurdles, our bond grows stronger as every minute and second psases by. And it's definitely a head start for us in problem solving before we start our lifes as Husband & Wife !

Well, so far I wouldn't say that we have the Pre-Wedding Jitters Syndrome. We're more like enjoying the process of preparations to our Big Day and can't wait for it to come ! Perharps, we've learnt to trust each other more and believe in each other. Whenever there's a small hurdle, we faced it together and work out a solution.

In one sentence, we just can;t wait for the day to come FASTER !!! Haha !!

Bryan & Rowena

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