Saturday, October 30, 2010

*Shopping List*

Attending Wedding Fairs, Researching on Bridal Forums, Sourcing information on the World Wide Web, Getting Advices From Friends. Finally after months of preparations, the shopping list that we began this journey with has reduced significantly. What's left to be done are countable.
  1. Our Live Band
  2. Wedding Car (Red Mini Cooper)
  3. Livestudios Photography
  4. Pre-Wedding Shoot
  5. Wines & Beer
  6. Decorations For Our Reception On Actual Day
  7. Honeymoon Destination
The list seems so little, yet there're a lot of work to be done. Coordination with so many different agencies are indeed tiring !!! Lucky with the amount of time we have before our Big Day, we are able to get things to be done one at a time.

To kick off this weekend, we woke up early in the morning (not so early too.. 10am) for our morning jog through Japanese Garden and Chinese Garden !! But all that almost came to nothing after we cooked our own lunch !! Haha !! Look at the pics and they will explain why !!!

Fried Chicken With Pan-Fried Potato Chips Served With Salad

Oven Grilled Rosemary Chicken With Pan-Fried Potato Chips Served With Salad

After a sumptuous lunch, looking at the list that we have, we decided to start with finding our Beloved Wedding Car - RED MINI COOPER !! Thank god for this Wedding Fair at Orchard Central happening today !! We're heading now to Eurokars Leasing (At the Wedding Fair) to book our Red Mini !!! (1 Issue to be completed by this weekend !! Hee)

Up next is our Live Band from Lush Entertainment, this 3 piece band is one of the most important item that is needed for our Big Day !!! How can we leave them out when we want to have our FIRST DANCE !!! Now is to find the 3 sets of songs to be played. Time to visit That CD Shop and look for inspirations !! We love That CD Shop too !! One of our favourite hunt !!!

Networking is super important !! Lucky for me, Karam (Poly Mate) has his own Wine Company that does Imports & Exports. Great wines at affordable prices from him !!! Have to make a trip down to his company to see the wide range of wines. I'm nuts about wines !! Haha !!! Karam can certainly help us in this area. =)

Everything is going smoothly as planned. Even for the Air Tickets !!! Really lucky to stumble onto AirAsia Website and got to know that Air Tickets to Bali is on PROMOTION !! This tiny island makes a perfect short Honeymoon trip right after our Big Day !!! No time to be wasted !! Grabbed the tickets at 344 dollars for 2 !!! Now that our destination is confirmed, shall let Rowe plan the itinerary as she's no stranger to that island !!  =P

Phew !! There's really a lot more to be done.. Need to start planning for the rest of the items, Pre-Wedding Shoot, Decorations for Big Day and  Livestudios Photography... Its near year end too !! That means CHRISTMAS !!! Time to do some Christmas Shopping too !!!


Til then.. .... ....

Bryan & Rowena

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

*Pre-Wedding Jitters*

Pre-Wedding Jitters are quite common from what my friends told me. I've seen some of them myself too ! When my friends are preparing for their Big Day, can see the stress written all over their face. Where to hold the Wedding, When to hold the Wedding, Who to invite, Where to go for photo shoot, What car to use, Which Bridal Studio to go to... etc !!! Some of them even quarrelled during the process of planning. Eeeewww !!!

Thinking about it, it's all due to the amount of preparations that are needed before the Wedding. Sometimes I really wonder if there's a need to spend so much time and effort & the most importantly, so much $$$ spent just to create such an event !!! Why can't we just get over with all the unnecessary hassles, sign the papers and declare MARRIED COUPLES !!!

Now that we've done most of our preparations for our Big Day, we're realising why such an event should be created. Actually having this Event is a great idea and there're advantages too !!
  1. Firstly, it's only once in a lifetime.
  2. Secondly, it's an event that both of you work together for the first time.
  3. Thirdly, everyone can share the joy with us.
  4. Fourthly, We'll be the STARS of the night !
  5. Lastly, It's the experience that is so valuable that money can't buy !
There will definitely be lots of differences in the different stages of planning. Having the ups and downs are great because it is a small test to see how the couples work together to overcome the hurdles. The saying is good "What doesn't kills you, makes you stronger". True enough, by overcoming these small hurdles, our bond grows stronger as every minute and second psases by. And it's definitely a head start for us in problem solving before we start our lifes as Husband & Wife !

Well, so far I wouldn't say that we have the Pre-Wedding Jitters Syndrome. We're more like enjoying the process of preparations to our Big Day and can't wait for it to come ! Perharps, we've learnt to trust each other more and believe in each other. Whenever there's a small hurdle, we faced it together and work out a solution.

In one sentence, we just can;t wait for the day to come FASTER !!! Haha !!

Bryan & Rowena

Friday, October 22, 2010


It was an exciting day yesterday.

It was the day to discuss the gown that i was going to wear the day i become Mrs Lok. Haaahaaa.. It was also the day that i got dear Shenn to pick out Wedding gowns. Its fun when you have another person with you on such shopping trips! We are definitely not doing a repeat of "Bride Wars"! Despite us having similar styles and wants for our dress, we go for different details altogether. I like White, she likes cream /  She likes clean lines and satin, I like the unfinished Oganza, chiffon feel...

But, like they always say, you never really get what you want, cos, number one lesson in selecting a gown, WHAT YOU LIKE AND WANT, WILL NEVER BE THE ONE SUITABLE FOR YOU!...And how true is that! And to me, Forget the idea of the perfect gown, cos, if its tooo perfect, something will always be wrong with it!! hahahaaa..

Anyway, We spent a total of 8 Freakin hours along that street!! unbelievable!
First i tried on like 6 diff. piece, to get the feel of what i want... then went gown shopping with shenn, she picked out some really fantastic ones with fantastic price tags that comes along with it!! And we were all so proud of her for trying on sooo many! Its really a tiring thing, trying on gowns... Lets just see what her dear husband - to - be thinks about her choice..

For me, staying true to my words, i designed something simple, with a touch of purple, just to my liking, which will only be shown to all earliest, at the end of the year..

But Bryan has his pick on what i should wear on the first day, is a black and white number..which is simple and classy, plus I've always been a sucker of black and whites... matched with black gloves, and that's the way to go baby!

And Bryan was soo patient waiting on the two ladies!! Heeheee.. but i bet he enjoys seeing us in our beautiful gowns, and playing part time to Shenn, to give pointers from a guys point of view.

* Pats on Bryan's back for job well done*

As usual the day ends with Yummylicious dinner at our Chinese dinner plc! Yum Yum!

Thats all Folks!!

Bryan & Rowena

Monday, October 18, 2010

*Excursion Part 2, 171010*

What is the first thing that I will want to do when I wake up early in the morning ? That's having a nice breakfast to kick start the day !!

But when it comes to "What is the first thing that WE want to do when WE wake up early in the morning ?" Make a guess !!


Please don't think that she's the one who drag me into the high noon (though its the truth, Oops !!), i don;t really have the chance to sleep late except for the weekends. Hee.. Anyway, such a bright and sunny lovely sunday for us to continue our quest !! The excursion for our last Photo Shoot Venue, Henderson Waves & Hort's Park. But first, a lovely lunch will have to be set.

Today's menu is Japanese Curry Rice & My Dear's very own Sauteed Potato with Onions. Our first attempt at creating this lovely dish. Inspiration came to us after trying Constance's Japanese Rice. All thanks to her, we came up with our very own creation !

In The Process Of Cooking

Sauteed Potato With Onion

Japanese Curry Rice (Minced Pork, Onion, Carrot & Potato)

With a satisfying lunch, it's time to embark on our incomplete journey to Henderson Waves & Hort's Park !! The journey was rather simple and straight forward, and I had been to both places before, Murphy's Law still kicks in for me !! I mis-orientated and made a wrong exit from the AYE !!! Nevertheless, we still made it !

The journey up ro Hort's Park & Henderson Waves  was a good 2.4km climb. We took a good 45mins to reach the top, enticing ourselves to the surrounding beauty of nature. Here are some photos that we took.

Our Journey Through The Ridges

Journey Up To Hort's Park

Rowe At Henderson Waves

Henderson Waves

Now that we have completed the places that we have in mind. With the research that we've gathered, we can meet our photographer on Friday, 22nd Oct 2010, to discuss our Pre-Wedding Shoot !

Stay Tune For Our Photos !!

Bryan & Rowena

Saturday, October 16, 2010

*Excursion Part 1, 161010*

Is the weather in Singapore changing from bad to worse due to Global Warming ? Though we're a city of greens, the greens are not doing any help to the temperature !!! The sun is burning and scorning on our skin !!!

My Facebook on my Iphone are showing most of my friends are hiding this beautiful Saturday in their own small corner of their house - AIR-CON ROOM !!!! How about me ? Well, i'm going on an EXCURSION to the last places in Singapore in the freaky weather with Rowe !! We must be crazy !!! Haha !!

Yup !! As we had planned earlier at the start of this week, an excursion to several places to recce for our photo shoot. As we're in the east today, a visit to Rowe's Grandparents was our Itinerary. Really glad that we made that move !! We had some surprises !! Firstly, lots of new clothings for Rowe (All Branded like AX), Secondly, a Pair of Tag Heuer Watches from Aunt Jac as Wedding Favors(Hopefully) and lastly Aunt Jac offered us to take Wedding Shoot on a YACHT !! That's really great !! Well, we'll KIV that for the time being. After getting all the goodies, we had our lunch at Jalan Kayu, He Ji Wanton Mee before heading to our 1st Check Point, Kampong Buangkok (Last Kampong in Singapore).

何记@Jalan Kayu

Wanton Mee

After our lunch, we headed straight to our 1st stop, Kampong Buangkok, which is a 5mins drive away.

Kampong Buangkok Entrance

Walking into the Kampong really brings me back loads of memories !! Rowe has never stayed nor been to a kampong before. But for me, I'm lucky to be able to experience the simple carefree life in the Kampong at Lim Chu Kang. My grandparents used to live there and rear chickens and plant their own vegetables and even fruit trees !!! I was quite lucky to remember those days as i'm not even 4 years old. I love this place !! The simple life of the people, the natural surroundings, the wooden houses with zinc sheets rooftop, the lovely flowers & fruit trees(we saw coconut) and the electrical cables joining one household to another. This is definitely a place where we must have our Photo Shoot !! Here are some photos which explains all.

A Path Leading To The Residence




Corridor Of The Residence

After our venture at Kampong Buangkok, we headed to Punggol Lallang Fields. The Lallang Fields are everywhere !! It's so large that didn't stop to walk in as we don't know where the exact place is. Hence, we decide to leave it to our Photographer to lead us if we decide to have a shoot there. Anyway, to me, it's just another area like Lim Chu Kang. Haha !! Entire forested area with lallangs and tall grass. We had covered half of our itinerary, what's left was Changi Beach, Portsdown Road, Henderson Waves & Sunset Way.

The weather was really a Killer !! So much that we decided to cut short our itinerary. Looking at it, since we've been to Changi Beach & Portsdown Road several times, we'll give it a miss. Sunset Way here we come !!! We drove our way from Punggol straight back to Clementi. Reaching Sunset Way was easy. But finding a carpark and the entrance to the railway was new to a West Guy like me. We've drove around abit and decided to park in the residential area and climb the slope up to the railway.

The climb up the slope was worth it !! The view was great !!! Only seeing it personally will understand why Mediacorp likes to film at this abandoned Railway. Here are some photos that we took.

Start Of Railway

Walking Through The Railway

In The Middle Of The Railway


Surrounding Of The Railway

Though the weather was a killer, luckily we still went ahead with the excursion. The experience was fulfilling and more or less we decided what will our theme of our shoot be.

The day was ended with a short trip to West Coast Plaza (Former Ginza Plaza). We were surprised to see so much changes ! Though it's a small mall, there're still good finds and bargains. Did a little bit of shopping and had a tea break before heading to the hawker centre opposite West Coast Plaza to packet our dinner(Western Food) to end off the day.

Paradise Inn @ West Coast Plaza

Lavender, Rosemary, Dried Longan & Chrysanthemum Tea

Hopefully, Sunday will have a better weather. We're heading to Henderson Waves & Hort's Park !!

Til Then... .... ...

Bryan & Rowena

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

*The Ideal Marriage for both of us*

As part of my work, i had the opportunity to attend a talk on, Pre-Marriage Preparation titled, "Myths and Magic of Love and Marriage". It was indeed interesting and enlightening, especially for someone life me, who will be jumping on the bandwagon very soon.

It was nice that Shenn and Nic agreed to attend as well, as i think it is really good to attend such course to prepare yourself for married life.

Many key points were mentioned, a few left a deep impression on me:

1. What is your ideal marriage?
This question seems so simple, but no one could answer. So, what is our ideal marriage gonna be? It will definitely not be a bed of roses. So what issit going to be?  After much consideration, a few pointers came up, commitment, trust, communication, striving happily together.. etc.

2. There are 5 Love Languages
Different people show their love differently. And this very point, could lead to problems and miscommunication / unhappines, if the couples' love language are different. Which is always the case... Eg, somepeople need to show physicial affection as their form of love, while others show their love through encouragement verbal words. If not well understood, person A might think that Person B only knows how to talk, but no action, and vice versa. Therefore, to recognise, and show loves through different languages.... (Not just bite!)

3. Gender differences
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. How true. Men and Women are made differently. They behave differently as well. Mutual respect is important.

There were many more said and taught, but i guess right now, these are just a few key points to remember and note...

Till Then..

Bryan & Rowena

Monday, October 11, 2010

*Photo-Shoot Venues*

What is the event that will make couples excited about it, plan, research & look forward to before their customary wedding ceremony ? My guess will be....


As to why i will say that, it's simply because that is eactly what both of us had been doing for the past 2 weeks !! Research, research & more Research !!! We've been trying to think of ideas and places to go for our Pre-Wedding Shoot !! Perharps you can categorize us as the UNIQUE or WEIRD Couple. Why ? Simply because we're trying to be away from the Norm. No Wedding Gowns is for sure, be in casual clothings, getting our bridesmaids and bestmen for the shoot as well are part of our plans !!! We even had ideas going to have the shoot in the GYMS & KITCHEN !!! That's because these are the things that revolve around our daily life together ! We simply love to cook for one another/together & definitely Gyming too !! 

In fact before all the above ideas, we had a crazy idea before !! The Pre-Wedding Shoot will be based on our Love-Story, where it all began !!! Guess what !! It's NDP 2009 !!! Venue will definitely be KRANJI CAMP where we met & FLOATING PLATFORM where we spent most of our weekdays and weekends together!!! (It'll never happen)

Well, anyway, some of the places we have been browsing through the internet and getting information from MARRIED COUPLES, there are a few interesting places to go to. Places like Portdowns Road Wessex Village, Sunset Way Railway, Changi Broadwalk, Henderson Waves, Hort Parks, Marina Barraage, Punggol Lallang Field, Emerald hill...etc We even had plans for Museums !! The pictures tells a lot !!

Changi Beach

Henderson Waves

Punggol Lallang Field

Sunset Way Railway

Portsdown Road Wessex Village

As the saying goes, Seeing Is Believeing !! Hence, we decided to have an excursion to the places that we note of this weekend !!!

Bryan & Rowena

Saturday, October 9, 2010

*The Dinner Meeting*

Organising Events, Attending Meetings, Annual General Meetings, Networking Dinners, Socializing Meetings, Holding Meetings, Giving Speeches were easy feat & tasks to Rowe & Me

Though we're not professionals that eat, play and sleep with such tasks daily, but we still do have lots of chances and have a abundant of experience organising such events. But this is one Event/Dinner where we cracked our brains and millions of cells are killed, yet we have no idea how to go about it !! What is this Event ??

Thats... .... .....


The Planning process for this event is definitely tougher than any other events that we've planned before.
  1. The guest list was reduced to parents from both side, rowe's grandparents and grandmother. With less people (My Bro & his wife, Rowe's Bro & Gf) involved, means less topics !!!!!!
  2. Language barrier (Different use of language for communication)
  3. Choice of place
  4. Choice of food
  5. Wedding Discussion (Both of us are noob to this !!! And our parents want it to be simple to the extend nothing to ask for !!)
After months of planning, just the night before we flew to Bangkok, decision was made !!

09 October 2010, Saturday, 1830Hrs, Arena Tung Lok Seafood Ala Carte Buffet

The entire meeting was totally like driving a car !!! Though both our parents met before, previously when my dad was admitted to hospital & when my mum met Rowe's family at the airport, we started off with a cold engine. Hence, i plug in the key and turn on the engine by introducing my parents and grandmother to Rowe's Parents & Grandparents. And things started to warm up. Small conversations between my grandmother and her grandparents and my parents with her parents started to kick in. Rowe and I were still worrying about facing a cold stage and try to create topics for them.

We arrived at the restaurant and were seated at our reserved table. Rowe and I decided to accelerate a little to move pass the S-Course and move on to the smooth road ahead. Hence, we took the orders for the night. True enough. when the food arrived, we're out of the S-Course and we're on the straight road to our future !! Everyone was enjoying the food served at Tung Lok Seafood and topics were created naturally. This proved that out worries were unnecessary !! We had a smooth 3 hour of journey down our parents & grandparents' memory lanes which i had enjoyed listening to. Of course we had a peek into our FUTURE which was the main topic of the night !!

To cut things short, we had agreed on what to do and exchange for formalities on the day of 过大礼。The dinner was such a success that we're the first table to be seated and almost the last table to leave the restaurant !! My mum and grandmother had certainly enjoyed a night of conversation with Rowe's Grandmother ! I had to jam the brake !!! Otherwise, conversation would never have ended ! We bidded farewell with the approval from her paretns & grandparents to entrust Rowe (their 心肝宝贝)'s happiness to me !!

From here on, we'll start to plan for our Wedding Gown, Suit & Shoot. Meeting our photographer & designer on 22nd October. Til then... .... ..

Bryan & Rowena

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

*The Nest*

"What is the one thing you think about when you yawn*, smell the rain outside*, your eyelids are having difficulty holding up*?"



Satisfaction Guaranteed!

We are just such an oddball of a couple! While all typical going-to-marry couples are busy preparing their wedding, researching on all other things related to their one big day, we, on the other hand, were researching with much enthusiasm for ... THE BED.

THE BED, is an important part of our life, we spent a good 1/3 of a day on it. OR, most of the week ends on it... SO, shouldn't it be of top priority? Doesn't matter that Bryan stays in camp most of the night, and I, am far away over at the East Coast.. and THE BED, will only be utilised over the weekend.. IT WAS STILL TOP PRIORITY!

We were contemplating what kind of bed to get. There were just to many choices in the market.
Thank goodness we had a clear idea what we wanted:

  1. Good for our back (As we both have back pains)
  2. Big enough for the both of us (We are currently squeezed on a super single, and a KING is too much.. we would probably lose each other on it!)
  3. Not too soft (We don't wish to melt into it)
  4. Storage facilities (Limited space, too many things)
  5. Build in cooling function (Too much heat going on in SG)
  6. MOST IMportantly ~ AFFORDABLE ~ 
I guess, with a clear objective and focus, we went out on our hunt for THE BED.

We went to Expo while they were having their furniture sale... pounce on a large variety of bed,
went to Ubi to pounce on even more beds, IMM to leave our body impression, Toa Paoyah Courts to test, at the very end, we still headed back to the good ol' Expo after 2 months of searching.

Gone were the days of limited variety, flat spring beds eg, King Koil *Doooiiinnngg*
In the market, there are big names like, Simmons, Serta, Posturepedic ... just to name a few. Each bed comes with never before seen "technology" and unbelievable "price tags".
There are also lesser known ones like Maxcoil..

So many choices, but at the end, we found THE BED, with good ol' Slumberland.
Did not burn a hole in our pocket and comes with decent "technology".
It was a happy choice and we bought on the spot!
And days after that, all we could think about was THE BED...

Post bed shopping dilemma

Getting the bed was one thing, thinking of how the bed could fit the room was another.
There were many rounds of shifting of furniture within the 4 walls of Bryan's room.
Tons of stuff to throw to accomodate THE BED, and more importantly, the new lady boss thats coming in a few months!

Then next, comes buying of Bed sheet cover. It doesn't help that bed sheet covers of good quality comes with an equal "good price" $$$. We looked a little, and realise, the cost really has no justification.

BUT, not forgeting that lady boss loves shopping, and bed sheet cover happens to be one of her soft spot. And by chance 1 evening, we dropped by our favourite place, Expo, and found the best deals for good quality bed sheet covers!

**NOTE: Only buy bedsheet covers during such mega sale at Expo! Super worth it**

On 4th October, a day after returning from Bangkok, it was what we have been waiting for, delivery of THE BED. Excitedly, we woke up "earlier than expected" to wait for its arrival.
After it was fixed in, to our awe, its nice, new headboard and storage area, clean and white mattress... our eyes sparkled! But, with one problem, it turned out SOooo HUGE! And we had to spend the remaining day shifting the furnitures within the room to accomodate it.

And after a long day, when we finally lay in THE BED, all that we had gone through for it was worth it, its firm, yet comfortable, with our new comforter, gone are those days of squeezing, snatching of blanket from one another, and falling off of beds...

Till then....

Bryan & Rowena

Monday, October 4, 2010

*Back From Bangkok*

Back from Bangkok !!! Broke from Bangkok too !!! Haha !! But it was a great short getaway, great recovery from the hectic lifestyle we have from working in Singapore..

Though our stay in Bangkok is only a short 3 days, we've accomplished more than what we had set out before our trip !! It was a great fulfilling trip with lotsa food, shopping and visiting of places. Most importantly, we've fulfiled our primary objectives, that's shopping for our Wedding Stuff !! We're quite fortunate to find all the things we wanted at Chatuchak Market. Things like purple paper flowers, leaves, fans, bubble guns and decorative knick knacks.

Old School Fans

Paper Flowers & Leaves

Bubble Guns

Knick Knacks Gifts

There're alot more things like chandelier, nice furnitures, lightings and curtains that we wanted but our flat will only be ready in 2014/15. Nvm, we can always make another trip in future !! Bangkok is really a great place to do Wedding Shopping. Exquisite wedding gifts, decoratives and boxes are everywhere ! Do make a trip if you're thinking of shopping for ideas !

Besides shopping, we've done a walkaton in the 3 days too ! We've covered Chatuchuk Market, Suan Lom Night Market, Pratunum Night Market, Patpong Night Market, Platinum Mall, Siam Square, Central Mall, Siam Paragon, MBK, Pratunum Mall and SOKA Centre in Thailand ! We've tried walking to all these places. Lots of shopping and walking comes with lotsa Food as well !! Bangkok, Land of the Hot & Spicy, never gonna miss out the Tom Yum Soup !!, Thai Green Curry Beef, Thai Green Curry Chicken, Phad Thai, Thai Fried Rice Noodle, Thai Seafood In Coconut & lotsa more !! These are the stuff to replenish our energy to go for more ! Haha !! Here are some photos ! Picture still paints a thousand words..

Tom Yum Soup At Baiyoke Sky Hotel

Thai Green Curry Beef At MBK Sumo Restaurant
Tom Yum Soup At MBK Sumo Resraurant

Fried Rice Noodles At MBK Sumo Restaurant

Thai Seafood Curry Cooked In Coconut At MBK Sumo Restaurant

Phad Thai At MBK Sumo Restaurant

Thai Fried Kway Teow At MBK Sumo Restaurant

Meat Ball Noodle Soup At Baiyoke Sky Hotel

Grill Scallops At JJ Mall

Phad Thai At Baiyoke Sky Hotel

Thai Green Chicken Curry With Roti At Baiyoke Sky Hotel
Dining in the restaurants and hotels in Bangkok definitely gives a certain standard in the food and services served. However, we always believe that going to such cuntries, eat like the locals will definitely bring u another type of feeling and that is the kind of feel we loved !! We're more adventurous and love to join in the locals to dine by the road side stalls which many people won't.

Fried Rice With Chicken At Suan Lom Night Market

Stir Fried Kang Kong At Suan Lom Night Market

Roast Chicken At Suan Lom Night Market

Mango Salad At Suan Lom Night Market

Glutinous Rice At Suan Lom Night Market

Fried Sotong At Suan Lom Night Market

Chicken Satay At Suan Lom Night Market

Fried Sliced Bananas Along Siam Road Side

Fried Bananas Along Siam Road Side

Fried Quail Eggs Along Siam Road Side

Walking vs Taking Cabs & Tuk-Tuks has its advantages too !! While we're venturing along the Siam District, something amazing caught our eye !! Welcome to the GRAND OPENING OF KRISPY KREME !! How can there be Krispy Kreme in Thailand and not in ours !! Haiz..

Anyone who has tasted KK's Donuts know that its the BEST in the world and they have never failed to get both of us yearning for more after having it. To our surprise !! Never knew the Thais are even more into it !! They have been queueing for a box of KK's Donuts even before the shop is opened for business in the morning !! For the queue that's snaking out from Siam Paragon was initially thought to be Iphone or Hello Kitty's fever. We're Wrong !!! 

Krispy Kreme At Siam Paragon

Look At The Queue !!!

In between all the shopping and walking around, there's time for us to do one of our favourite past time as well. That is to chill out in a nice cafe, have a nice cup of coffee & tea and savouring a nice piece of cake !! We tested out Jim Thompson who is famous for their silk products, but not their cafe. We're quite surprised that they do have a nice place to chill out and serve exquisite desserts as well !!
Jim Thompsom Cafe At Central Mall

Jim Thompsom Cafe Lemon & Peach Cheese Cake At Central Mall

Jim Thompsom Cafe Earl Grey Tea At Central Mall

Jim Thompsom Cafe Cappucino At Central Mall

Jim Thompsom Cafe Walnut Muffin At Central Mall

With all these done in our itinerary, of cos to end off each day with a nice massage ! Massage is darn good and CHEAP !!! We've gone for massages, of cos no hanky panky, for all 3 days !! Foot massages and Thai full body massages !! And for all 3 days of massage, it was only 2000 Baht for 5 hours for both of us !!! Where to find such rates in Singapore ??? And we end off our short getaway to Bangkok with a foot massage as well !!

Bryan & Rowena