Tuesday, December 28, 2010

*Wedding Invitation*

With all the Christmas Craziness gone, we're now gearing ourselves for NEW YEAR'S EVE !!! Can't wait to party at Ivy & Wilson's Love Nest with their Love Fruit, Baby Fayth !!! I'm a sucker for babies !!

When we stepped into January 2011, It's another step closer to our wedding day. But before that, 恭喜发财 !!! CHINESE NEW YEAR !!! And it's our last Lunar New Year to collect Ang Baos !!!

Though collection of Ang Baos is important, however, we have more serious business to handle in this festive season ! I'm pretty sure all to-be-married couples knows it too. Yes ! That's giving out Invitation Cards ! Giving out during this festive season is a pretty good choice of timing. Why ? This explains all.
  1. It's Convenient for you.
  2. It adds joy to this festive season.
  3. It solves the yearly issue of elders asking where is yr gf.
  4. It solves the yearly issue of elders asking when you getting married.
  5. It gives them time to prepare a BIGGER Ang Bao !! Haha !! =P
Anyway, after much discussion with Richard (Our Printing Agent), finally the template is out !! Phew !! It's not easy to come out with the template. There's so much info to be provided. Names, Calender, Venue, Address...etc to be provided in both English & Chinese. Luckily, we approached the agent referred by our Hotel, less hassle for us. Here's how our Invitation will look like !

Wedding Invitation

Ok !! Now is to wait for Chinese New Year to arrive !!!!!!!!! =)

Bryan & Rowena

*Fantastic Xmas*

Christmas Party with my polymates happens almost every year. But this year is definitely more fun than all the previous parties we ever held. All thanks to Sally's & Andy's respective new family members !! The 3 little girls are super cute and lovable !! They really added joy to our Christmas Party !!

The Newly Added Members

The 2 older sisters are super active and not afraid of new faces, running around the entire house non-stop ! Phew !! The cutest of all is Andy's little girl, Mandy. So Chubby and Cute !!! She was the item for the entire night ! Everyone is carrying her and posing for photos. We even borrowed her for a "Family Photo Shoot" Haha !!

"Family of 3"

Rowe complained that I'm neglecting her because of Mandy, I'm just totally into little Mandy the entire night. Haha !! Was I ?

Whatever it is, I'm aiming and planning for at least 3 kids !!! Haha !! =P

I Love Babies !!!

Other than wonderful people, the party will never miss out on great food. With the number of people that we have, food was abundant ! Look at the photos !!

Our Feast

Flat Ham

Round Ham

Mini Burgers

Potato Cheese & Ham


We have so much food ranging from Turkey, Ham, Fried Rice, Old Chang Kee, Mini Burgers, Potato Cheese & Ham, BBQ Chicken Wings & Satays, Log Cakes, Fruits, Beancurd, drinks & wines. Thanks to everyone for contributing. =)

The party is nearing 12 midnight for Christmas. What's a Christmas without presents & Christmas Tree !! Thanks to the host, Peijie, he made it all possible.

Our Mini Christmas Tree & Presents

Thanks to Peijie for lending us his place for all of us to crash in, Tienhong for organising the wonderful Christmas Eve Pot Luck & most importantly, all the wonderful people who make this party possible !! Will be looking forward for the next Celebration !!

Bryan & Rowena

Monday, December 27, 2010

*88 Days to go*

What a nice auspicious number!
It is scary to think that we thought we had loads of time... cos if you think about it, the date is slowly crawling nearer  and nearer..

It does not help that January, we will be busy packing and moving our stuff to Changi and Jurong.n And right after that, it will be Chinese New Year, and right after that, with the Blink of an Eye! Its March 26 / 27!!

So let us see what we have accomplish thus far....

1. Wedding gown / Suit : Checked
2. Confirmation of Photographers : Checked
3. Allocation of tables : Some what Checked
4. Photoshoot : Checked!!

We did our photoshoot on the 21st December, it did not help that the weather for the entire 2 weeks before that was raining! However, i believe we must have been a good couple, as it only started to rain right after we returned to the boutique at the end of the day! How great is that!
I must say, i finally understand why couples only do this once in a life time:

1. You got to worry about weather
2. You got to worry about whether you will look ugly / fat / pimply
3. You got to worry about whether you have the right outfits
4. You got to worry about where to shoot / what to shoot / How to shoot
5. You got to worry about the skill of the photographer / make up artist
6. You got to worry about the gown being dirty

Well... we went through every single point there... BUT, It was all worth it! Cos our photographer Rocked! Make up artist was fun! and i believe we did well! HAHAHAA.. And it does help when you got a great Moral support (Aruna) to accompany you through the mosquitos and the weather! Love her to bits!

We were really excited of it i must say, we packed a bag load of props and items, so that we could really get it going! Even gotten balloons and stuff! This is what u get when u have a pair thats both resourceful and adventurous!

The day of our shoot:

10am: Arrival @ Ilss'adorent for make up
And during that time, i finally decided my outfits!

11.30: Move out to first location (Kampong Buangkok)
It was the hot afternoon sun, and the place was filled with mosquitos.. but i guess Bryan and I are both soo used to such location, we did not feel a thing! But poor Aruna was sacrificed to the mosquitoe clan! The shots there were fun and rustic! Bryan did most of the hard work pushing and wheeling me around! Hahaa and the shoot is really different, i believe so.
The interesting part was our photographer, Kate's idea of us getting on the horizontal tree trunk that had some level of difficulty getting on and balancing! However, we were both up to it! and i believe the shot is gonna be good!

2pm: Break
We were so hot and tired after that, it was already time for lunch! And the thought of changing into my gown in public and doing my make up in public was such a turn off! Luckily i realised we were jus a road down to my granny's! And off we went, to chill and change comfortably in the comforts of ones home in AIR-CON!!! IMPT POINT!
And during that time, we had a little incident, someone accidentally locked the toilet door, and we had to try to get it open! in the end it got done! Phew!

4pm: 2nd location @ Rabbit Hole
Its located at Dempsey, this cute little garden with nice greenery.
We got our heart props out and balloons and started shooting away! I think maybe due to location and all, it was easier for us to shoot, plus by then, we were all experience "smilers".

6pm: Last stop @ Bearyfun Gym
Thanks to Jeannie, whose husband owns a kids gym, we once again managed to comfortably change our outfit and make up in the comforts of a private place! The Gym was fun! Colourful and bright! We were the most ourselves there, as we were in casual! Jumping on the tamboulin and running around! Hahahaaa!! but by then, i have used up most of my energy for the day man!! Amazed at how models do their thing!!

8pm: Back at Iils'sadorent
What a long tiring day! But it was worth it! Now jus to pray we get nice pics, and manage to restraint ourselves to keep within the 30 free Pics!! HAHAHA!! Now thats the challenge!

We'll know on the 9th of January 2011. =)
Bryan & Rowena

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

*December Rush*

December is such a hectic month for both of us !! We're so tied up with our work and commitments that almost til the end of this month, there's only 1 posting !!! Well, we have no choice. Rowe is busy with her work commitments, meetings and undergo her physio-therapy. As for me, everyday under the sun doing parades and ceremonies, under going my Route of Advancement Courses.

December is also a month of sharing & giving. The atmosphere can be felt everywhere in our tiny island wherever we go. Yes ! It's Christmas !!! We love Christmas !! Such a joyous season to be spent with family and friends. Rowe, being a creative lady, helped me find a lot of ideas for my christmas presents !! She even handmade the Christmas Cards !!! Love you !!!

Loads of programs are coming up !! Just can't wait for the arrival of Christmas !!! Christmas Pot Luck & Gift Exchange with Rowe's ex-colleagues, her maid of honour & gang, her family & relatives, my poly-mates & my cousins. So many presents & food to prepare for. We're just so excited about it !!!

Look at some of the presents we've prepared !!

In the midst of these preparations, not forgetting the more important event of our life, our Pre-Wedding Shoot as well which is happening in December as well if nothing goes wrong. All these are to be completed within this month. Phew !!
Hope we can survive and have a wonderful shoot !!

Bryan & Rowena


I used to wonder why there are some people who love to spend lotsa of $$$ on miniature items to doll themselves as walking christmas trees walking around. I find that it's rather stupid and a hassle to put on so many accessories just to get out of the house and take a walk. My perception has changed a little for now as Rowe & me are preparing for our Pre-Wedding Shoot which will be taking place in a week's time.

The accessories can actually do wonders. Matching the correct type of accessories can actually enhance plain & simple clothings, create another type of image for the carrier & enhances our own creativity !!

We've been busy shopping and searching for nice accessories and props ranging for T-shirts, shoes, sunglasses, hats, hair bands, necklaces, bracelets, balloons, umbrellas...etc, for our little shoot. It's quite entertaining when we're shopping and trying out every outfit & items that we came across. It's another together thingy that we do almost every weekend. =)

We took an entire afternoon walking down Orchard Lane. Started off at Le-Meridien Hotel, Rowe came across this handmade shoe shop known as Madame H from Thailand a couple of weeks ago when she was attending a function. I was told that the shoes are rather expensive as it ranges from $150-$200/pair. But after experiencing it myself, it's definitely a great bargain ! At least this is what i feel. Hee.. Real leather shoes handmade by their designer with unique designs and good customer service. I've gotten myself a pair at $130 and hers at $160. After further looking around in shops like Pedro, Pierre Cardin, Beetle Bug..etc, comparing the quality and pricing, Madame H beats them hands down. Here's some photos of our buys. =P

Rowe's High Heels

My Shoes !!!

Our little adventure carried on down the road to Somerset 313 & there're more finds !!! Look at the finds !!!

ALDO Shades

Forever 21 Hair Bands

There're too many accessories to be uploaded. In any case, if anyone needs any props, drop us a jingle !!

Bryan & Rowena

Friday, December 10, 2010

*Choice of Material & Colours*

Been away for course for a couple of weeks. life's been really hectic and busy. Haven't had the time to update our blog. Now that I have a little personal time this weekend, something must be done.

Amber (Our Gown Designer) had called us to choose Rowe's Gown Materials and Colours last weekend. Rowe is so EXCITED about it !!! Finally seeing the pieces of fine details patching together as her gown. She just can't wait for the Fitting Day !!

Anyway, before we headed down to pay Amber a visit, our Dear Rowe was feeling generous and looking at me suffering from the course, she decided to give me a Dim Sum treat at Red Star Restaurant (红星酒家). Red Star Restaurant is a one of the famous traditional restaurants that serve excellent Dim Sum ! There's often long queues during the weekends. Yup ! We waited for about 30mins to get a table of two. Must really praise Rowe for having the patience to wait for the table which she usually don't. Great job !!!

Hunger was written all over our faces when we were ushered to our table. The restaurant is keeping to the traditions, food is still being served by uncles & aunties pushing the food trolley in the restaurant. The process is a bit slow and some items may be missed out. We decided to take things into our own hands. Hee =P Here's some of the Dim Sums we had.

First Dish - 虾饺



Fried Prawn With Banana





Phew !! We really had a great Dim Sum Brunch !! That was so nice, reliving the taste in my mouth once again. It's been years since we last came with our families. Thanks Babe !!

After the fabulous brunch, we headed to Tanjong Pagar and choose the materials and colours for Rowe's Gown. I can't release any details on the Blog here, otherwise she'll kill me !! Thus, the only way to see that is to count down to 27th March 2011. Hee =P I tried some of the suits too !! I've grown !! M Size no longer fits me. now I've upgraded to L size !!! =(

The weekend sure came to a closure with a blink of an eye. it's time for me to go back home and prepare to go back camp for my course again. Exams and tests are awaiting for me. Well, before we left the bridal boutique, Amber says the First Fitting can be in a week's time !!

Til then.... update more on our preps... .. ...

Bryan & Rowena