Monday, December 27, 2010

*88 Days to go*

What a nice auspicious number!
It is scary to think that we thought we had loads of time... cos if you think about it, the date is slowly crawling nearer  and nearer..

It does not help that January, we will be busy packing and moving our stuff to Changi and Jurong.n And right after that, it will be Chinese New Year, and right after that, with the Blink of an Eye! Its March 26 / 27!!

So let us see what we have accomplish thus far....

1. Wedding gown / Suit : Checked
2. Confirmation of Photographers : Checked
3. Allocation of tables : Some what Checked
4. Photoshoot : Checked!!

We did our photoshoot on the 21st December, it did not help that the weather for the entire 2 weeks before that was raining! However, i believe we must have been a good couple, as it only started to rain right after we returned to the boutique at the end of the day! How great is that!
I must say, i finally understand why couples only do this once in a life time:

1. You got to worry about weather
2. You got to worry about whether you will look ugly / fat / pimply
3. You got to worry about whether you have the right outfits
4. You got to worry about where to shoot / what to shoot / How to shoot
5. You got to worry about the skill of the photographer / make up artist
6. You got to worry about the gown being dirty

Well... we went through every single point there... BUT, It was all worth it! Cos our photographer Rocked! Make up artist was fun! and i believe we did well! HAHAHAA.. And it does help when you got a great Moral support (Aruna) to accompany you through the mosquitos and the weather! Love her to bits!

We were really excited of it i must say, we packed a bag load of props and items, so that we could really get it going! Even gotten balloons and stuff! This is what u get when u have a pair thats both resourceful and adventurous!

The day of our shoot:

10am: Arrival @ Ilss'adorent for make up
And during that time, i finally decided my outfits!

11.30: Move out to first location (Kampong Buangkok)
It was the hot afternoon sun, and the place was filled with mosquitos.. but i guess Bryan and I are both soo used to such location, we did not feel a thing! But poor Aruna was sacrificed to the mosquitoe clan! The shots there were fun and rustic! Bryan did most of the hard work pushing and wheeling me around! Hahaa and the shoot is really different, i believe so.
The interesting part was our photographer, Kate's idea of us getting on the horizontal tree trunk that had some level of difficulty getting on and balancing! However, we were both up to it! and i believe the shot is gonna be good!

2pm: Break
We were so hot and tired after that, it was already time for lunch! And the thought of changing into my gown in public and doing my make up in public was such a turn off! Luckily i realised we were jus a road down to my granny's! And off we went, to chill and change comfortably in the comforts of ones home in AIR-CON!!! IMPT POINT!
And during that time, we had a little incident, someone accidentally locked the toilet door, and we had to try to get it open! in the end it got done! Phew!

4pm: 2nd location @ Rabbit Hole
Its located at Dempsey, this cute little garden with nice greenery.
We got our heart props out and balloons and started shooting away! I think maybe due to location and all, it was easier for us to shoot, plus by then, we were all experience "smilers".

6pm: Last stop @ Bearyfun Gym
Thanks to Jeannie, whose husband owns a kids gym, we once again managed to comfortably change our outfit and make up in the comforts of a private place! The Gym was fun! Colourful and bright! We were the most ourselves there, as we were in casual! Jumping on the tamboulin and running around! Hahahaaa!! but by then, i have used up most of my energy for the day man!! Amazed at how models do their thing!!

8pm: Back at Iils'sadorent
What a long tiring day! But it was worth it! Now jus to pray we get nice pics, and manage to restraint ourselves to keep within the 30 free Pics!! HAHAHA!! Now thats the challenge!

We'll know on the 9th of January 2011. =)
Bryan & Rowena

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