Tuesday, December 28, 2010

*Wedding Invitation*

With all the Christmas Craziness gone, we're now gearing ourselves for NEW YEAR'S EVE !!! Can't wait to party at Ivy & Wilson's Love Nest with their Love Fruit, Baby Fayth !!! I'm a sucker for babies !!

When we stepped into January 2011, It's another step closer to our wedding day. But before that, 恭喜发财 !!! CHINESE NEW YEAR !!! And it's our last Lunar New Year to collect Ang Baos !!!

Though collection of Ang Baos is important, however, we have more serious business to handle in this festive season ! I'm pretty sure all to-be-married couples knows it too. Yes ! That's giving out Invitation Cards ! Giving out during this festive season is a pretty good choice of timing. Why ? This explains all.
  1. It's Convenient for you.
  2. It adds joy to this festive season.
  3. It solves the yearly issue of elders asking where is yr gf.
  4. It solves the yearly issue of elders asking when you getting married.
  5. It gives them time to prepare a BIGGER Ang Bao !! Haha !! =P
Anyway, after much discussion with Richard (Our Printing Agent), finally the template is out !! Phew !! It's not easy to come out with the template. There's so much info to be provided. Names, Calender, Venue, Address...etc to be provided in both English & Chinese. Luckily, we approached the agent referred by our Hotel, less hassle for us. Here's how our Invitation will look like !

Wedding Invitation

Ok !! Now is to wait for Chinese New Year to arrive !!!!!!!!! =)

Bryan & Rowena

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