Thursday, September 23, 2010

*Wedding Date*

Alright ! 2nd Phase of Planning to be put into action ! That is choosing the DATE !

Since we're getting married in 2011, whats a good date ? Followed the stupid trend of 11-11-11 ? Nah ! We're not going to be uncreative like them.

Got a few dates in mind. 24th April 2011 is our first choice, the last day of a 2 year cycle and the beginning of our new journey ! It's also my Best Man (Daniel)'s Birthday ! But that's not important. Haha ! Oops, sorry bro ! 2nd choice, 5th March 2011, my BIRTHDAY ! This is important ! I get to have a WIFE as present ! Haha !

Anyway, went to check with Shi-Fu with the dates in mind. Well, again, things don't go well as planned. Both dates clashes with ether one of us. Haiz~ Nvm, in the end, we decided to carry out our Wedding on 26th and 27th March 2011 !

Dear all !! Please Take Note !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks !! Stay tune for more updates !!!

Bryan & Rowena

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