Friday, September 24, 2010

*Proposal Ring & Wedding Bands*

Searching for a diamond ring to propose is genuinely simple and easy. Just look at how big the Carats and how good the quality of this CARBON stone is. I can't belive all ladies love DIAMONDS !!! But then again, i was proven WRONG !!! She doesn't like DIAMONDS !!!

Hah !! Don't know if this is a blessing in disguise or what. She prefer to have a ring with either pearl or precious stone. Been looking around a few outlets including MIKIMOTO and another Pearl Dealer at ION. Finally found the right one for her at MIKIMOTO !! Almost bought the ring on the spot but luckily i didn't. If i did, i will be buying another Diamond Ring. (Don;t ask why... Situation arises). Nevertheless, there was a Lee Hwa Private Sales at Marriott and we went to take a look on the last day of the Sale along with my cousin. Left with 3 hours to end of Sale, we managed to get not 1 but 2 RINGS(1 Belongs to us and another is bought by my cousin, he's jumping into the GRAVEYARD like me too !) 

Proposal Ring From Lee Hwa Jewellery

Next, we're shopping for our Wedding Bands ! Been browsing through the magazines and walking into shops, there are really many designs ranging from sophisticated, elegant, white gold, rose gold, yellow gold, diamonds, no diamonds... etc

There're really quite a few that caught our eyes at Lee Hwa and Soo Kee Jewellery. Plain Rose Gold with double rings criss-crossed. But nothing beats the Wedding Band Specialists - Love & Co (Sub of Soo Kee) We've walked past this shop a few times and thought that its like a high end type of wedding band shop. The settings and the designs in it were dazzling ! There're so many to choose from and we can customise our own Wedding Bands. There's a design that is similiar to what we have in mind. Therefore, $1000 was spent for both our rings ! Another good bargain found ! Love & Co is situation in Vivocity Level 1.

Love & Co Receipt

Our Wedding Band Form Love & Co (Rose Gold, Glossy)

Finally, we've gotten the rings ready, next phase of planning will be on Wedding Packages !

Bryan & Rowena

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