Saturday, September 25, 2010

*Lovely Meals*

What's the most fortunate thing that can happen at home after a long day of work, when you open your eyes to a brand new day, on a lazy sunday afternoon ? For me, to have the company of your love ones and laze off the afternoon by the garden with tea and snacks, coming home after work and enjoy a lovely hot home-made dinner and waking up in the morning with breakfast in bed.

I'm glad and fortunate to have found someone who can share all these moments with. Here are some lovely items that she has cooked.

Rosti, Toast, Ham and Sunny Sided Up

Garden Salad With Ham & Egg Topped With Thai Chilli & Lime Sauce

Steam Codfish & Scallop with Chilli, Garlic & Ginger, Brocolli, Baked Ham Strips & Criss-cut Potato

Now we can focus on getting to cook together, create more varieties and come out with our very own family menu for daily selections.
Bryan & Rowena

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