Thursday, September 30, 2010

*Wedding Planning*

Ok !! Been a while since we get back to planning of our Wedding. Guess what, we're taking things up a notch ! Besides doing local planning & shopping, we're bringing things to Bangkok !! Yes Yes Yes !! We're flying off tomorrow to the City of Shopping, BANGKOK !! It's out little getaway, search for wedding knick knacks and an overseas trip with my cousins, Belinda, Huiling & Zhi Jian.

Bangkok !! A shopper's paradise. But how true it is after all the riots, we'll know in another 10 hours. I've been to Bangkok twice, 1st time (wif my bro & his wife) before i enlist into army, staying at Narai Hotel, 2nd time (wif my Poly Mates & God-Father) staying at Asia Hotel. This time round, we'll be staying at Baiyoke Sky, heard that it's a fantastic hotel with a Sky Bar at the top ! I've missed that bar during the last two trips, this time i will not !!! There're some many things that we want to do !! Shopping, Eating, Massage, Sight Seeing.. ...etc. Well, leave the planning to the girls then..

Here's our a Brief Planned Itinerary by our 2 Shopping Queens, Belinda & Rowena.

Day one:
10am: reach hotel...if room not ready...go sightseeing
Places suggesting:
1.MBK,Central (heard its open on 28th sept),Platinum mall (wholesale for clothes), night market at pratunam (our hotel area)....If go MBK, we can go to eat Sumo, serve good food,heard from my friend as she just came back this week.Also visit 4 buddha if interested...go foot massage
Day two:
Eat breakfast at 8:30am, after that depart straight to Chatuchak, or JJ mall.
If the rest feel boring, can split up and go other places. Maybe can go chinatown for dinner???go foot massage.Go to suan lom or patpong night market??
Day three:
Free and easy??? maybe some last minute shopping before we check out?

Day 1:
I think its good idea to go sight seeing first and not waste time, we could always deposit our items at hotel first.
We could cover MBK / Central World (There is a lifestyle mall there called Zen I would like to go see) / Platinum.
Then like what Belinda said, have lunch there?
We could continue shopping that area, or go back Hotel.
We can plan where to go to at night too, could end off with MASSAGE!
Plus, where we stay, the night market open till late! so we can even find somewhere to chill..
There is this place, quite in the corner called Khao San, I don’t know if you all are interested, its like this street area known for backpackers and chill out bars, not bad, can go at night too.
Day 2:
Second day I agree to go straight to CTC, never went JJ before, then we could head over to somewhere else by midday or so?
I will go recall where else has good place, I dun mind China town, never been there before.
We could end off at Suan Lum.. I like shopping there! But I think Mr Bryan Lok wants his Pat Pong too!! haha..
There is this place for massage my friend recommended, Asia Herb Association Apparently quite popular and cheap.
Day 3:
Looking at their Planned Itinerary, we can see that they're true fans of Bangkok. Knowing where to go, where to shop and what to buy !!! This is 1 hell of a shopping trip for them !
*PS, Rowe has warned me about her shopping in Bangkok, I hope that it'll not be out of control*
Ok... Got to go and sleep and catch a flight later !! Good Night SINGAPORE !!!!!!! Good Morning BANGKOK !!!!!!!!
Bryan & Rowena

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

*Inspiring Baby Fayth*

Our lazy Sunday afternoon has been arranged with a meet up at SPRUCE with her ex-colleagues (Ivy, Wilson. Bryan and Maisie) from Recruit Express, with an additional of new member to the Tan Family, Baby Fayth ! Baby Fayth is the essence and creation of Ivy and Wilson. Looking at all the photos that they posted online, Baby Fayth is CUTE !!!

Headed down to SPRUCE down Tanglin Road at 1pm in my little red KIA Rio of 5 years. Surprisingly, we actually bumped into Nick & Shennie with her entire family having a brunch at SPRUCE too ! It's really a small world ! Wow, this is my furst time meeting Shennie's entire family, as let Rowe do the talking. She's like a secondary family member to them ! Haha !

Anyway, finally met up with 4 month Baby Fayth !! She's so adorable and cute !! Always smiley and not afraid of strangers.. Through out the entire afternoon, she's just so active and loves to play along with everybody. Such a lovable Baby Fayth ! She is such an inspiration and motivation for any couples to have 1 of their own too ! Right my dear Rowe ? Haha !!

Here's a picture of Baby Fayth after drinking Milk.

Look At The Cutie Sleeping In Her Mummy's Arms

Alright ! Lets do a little bit of introduction of SPRUCE. This is my 2nd visit to this wonderful chill out place down at Tanglin Road. Existing on the Old Campus of Republic Poly, mins away from our bustling shopping district in singapore, Orchard. This place is popular with foreigners and family. This restaurant is built on a slope, with a outdoor playground under the greens, great for family or gatherings whereby kids can play through the day and adults can chill with great food, coffee, tea, cakes or even wine. I had breakfast brunch for both visits. They're fantastic ! Here are some photos of the breakfast they served.

SPRUCE Egg Benedicts On Corn Waffle

SPRUCE British Breakie

SPRUCE's Pancakes With Blueberry, Banana & Apple Crumps

SPRUCE's Rich Chocolate Cake With Vanilla Ice Cream

Visit the place for the experience !

Bryan & Rowena

Saturday, September 25, 2010

*Lovely Meals*

What's the most fortunate thing that can happen at home after a long day of work, when you open your eyes to a brand new day, on a lazy sunday afternoon ? For me, to have the company of your love ones and laze off the afternoon by the garden with tea and snacks, coming home after work and enjoy a lovely hot home-made dinner and waking up in the morning with breakfast in bed.

I'm glad and fortunate to have found someone who can share all these moments with. Here are some lovely items that she has cooked.

Rosti, Toast, Ham and Sunny Sided Up

Garden Salad With Ham & Egg Topped With Thai Chilli & Lime Sauce

Steam Codfish & Scallop with Chilli, Garlic & Ginger, Brocolli, Baked Ham Strips & Criss-cut Potato

Now we can focus on getting to cook together, create more varieties and come out with our very own family menu for daily selections.
Bryan & Rowena

*Learning Stage*

Marriage - What does it stands for ?

Union of two different individuals in a Holy Matrimony, hereby agrees to stand by her/him to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.

Been doing some soul searching, what can i do to value add to what i will say in the vow above. Being a practical person, i believe in putting words into actions rather than words itself. (Empty vessel makes the most noise) (NATO - No Actions Talk Only)

"Saying I Love You Takes Only A Second, Showing It Takes A Lifetime"

What other things can i do to spice up our everyday life ? Don't think naughty ! That's just biological. Now, working in the government for 8 years, what can i do ? Make her march around, give her commands, make her do area cleaning daily ? Sounds not bad idea. I can relax one corner and be a cyclops.

Okok, let's be serious, before she starts complaining. Since i love to cook and experiment new ideas, maybe i can start on this. It'll be useful in future when i have my own kitchen (Current kitchen belongs to my parents) and we can have nice meals together daily at home !

Ok ! Here goes ! These are some of my experiments. Simple and straight forward.

Sweet & Sour Pork

  • Cucumber
  • Onions
  • Pork 五花肉
  • Ketchup
  • Chilli Sauce
  • Tapioca Flour
  • Sugar\
  • Salt
  • Sesame Oil
  • Soy Sauce
  • Oyster Sauce
      Marination of Pork
  • 1 Spoonful of Sugar
  • 1 Spoonful of Sesame Oil
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon of Soy Sauce
  • 1 Teaspoon of Tapioca Flour
      Preparation of Sauce
  • 3 Spoonful of Sugar
  • 1 Spoonful of Tapioca Flour
  • 1/2 Spoonful of Oyster Sauce
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon of Sesame Oil
  • 1 Teaspoon of Soy Sauce
  • 2 Portion of Ketchup to 1 Portion of Chilli Sauce

This is the first dish that i learn to cook from my dad. This is one of her favourite dish.

Pancake Served With Bacon and Kiwi

This is my very first attempt to make breakfast. I've purchased the ready mixed pancake flour from NTUC and make it with water, bought a packet of bacons and served with some kiwi slices. Something simple for a weekend breakfast to kick start the day.

Hamburger with Mushroom Soup and Coke
  • Meat Patty
  • Packet of French Fries
  • Eggs
  • Campbell Mushroom Soup
  • Packet of Gardens
  • Onions
  • Can of Coke
    Ok ! That's all from me now, still have some other dishes to put up in future. Rowe also did some cooking for me. Cooking has become a part of our TOGETHER ACTIVITY. Stay Tune For More !

    Dear Friends, Do share some recipe of your own.

    Bryan & Rowena

    *Punggol Waves 2014/2015*

    Getting a Flat in Singapore sure is costly, especially when the market is HOT !! Stupid pple skyrocket the COV prices .. Shit !! No chooice, since we can't afford to pay, got to wait for 5 years for new BTOs..

    We started bidding with the December Project, Dawson Multi Generation Living and we got a queue number for that !! Didn't expect to be that lucky for our 1st try. Haha !! Who knows, luck went out on the day of selection, the quota for chinese went to ZERO !! Shit !! My dream home is gone~ Haiz~~ There goes $10, donated to the government. The following projects are in the north and we're not interested. Hence, we headed down to URA to take a look at the future plans for Singapore. Punggol area sure is a good place to invest in.

    Punggol Waves

    Came April, the BTO project down at Punggol Emeralds and Punggol Waves came up. Though that isn't what we're eyeing on (We're more interested in Waterway Terraces), the location is not bad, near the MRT station and nearby to the Waterway as well. Give it a try lohz. Paid another $10 to the government and pray. This $10 dollars was well invested ! Though my queue number is 518 (Total Flats available 431), there is still a chance. Indeed, we gotten our 5-room flat on 5th September 2010, 1230pm !!! Yes !! Our very own 5-room Flat !! Total cost of the flat with internal floorings and doors, $378,080.00. It's our first time spending so much in 1 day !!! Haha !!

    Guess we're lucky consider that this is our 2nd try and we gotten a flat !! Heard normally it more than 5 applications, some even applied for more than 20 times !!

    Invoice For Our Flat

    BLK 213A Level 11 Layout 

    3D BLK 213A Level 11-757 Flat Layout
    BLK 213A Level 11-757 Flat Layout

    Now that we have gotten the layouts of the flat, we can start drawing the layouts using googlesketch, popping the house up in 3D for future renovation plans !

    Our New Address in time to come : Apt Blk 213A Punggol Walk #11-757 Singapore 821213
    Bryan & Rowena

    Friday, September 24, 2010

    *Actual Day Photography*

    Time to get started on photography for Actual Day. A little tricky for our wedding as the Gate Crashing is on a Sat, Solemnization and Lunch on a Sunday. Besides that, we're lazy to print photos and do delivery after the wedding. Haha !! Last but not least, we've spent quite an amount til date, hopefully below 2000 dollars for both days. Hee =)

    Went online searching around and there's quite a few options in the market. There're those who print 3R or 4R instantly, some uses polaroid cameras and some using live projections and print outs are like neo-prints. There're pretty good ones like MORE TO PURPLE ( (Award Winning), photography is great but too expensive, over our budget.

    Got to skip MORETOPURPLE, several photo cards and 4R prints company came up, like 1stjournal, Suite Success, Photoplay, Live Studios anf Unique Colours. All the packages looks quite similiar and nothing fancy us til we bump into Live Studios ( at the Wedding Fair down Park Royal too !! The photographer, David, is good with his skills and definitely someone who helps to entertain the guests for photography. The Live Projection is another plus point whereby this service can replace the traditional video line of the couples' younger days and courtship ! If we have to do that, i think the backdrop of our Wedding will be NDP !!! hahah ! Lastly, they have unlimited prints for my guests and us for 4 hours ! That means it satisfy the condition of my laziness for delivery of photos !!

    Since we met them at the wedding fair, we gotten quite a good deal as well. Everything adds up to $1900 dollars instead of the intial $2300. Heard from my friend, Daphne, who engages them as well, the price went up to $2888 in a couple of months.

    Silver Package $1900 (Now known as Platinum Package on their website $2888)

    Silver Package

    Photography + Photocards
    10 Hours of Photo Shoot for Actual Day
    1 x Senior Photographer
    1 x Graphic Assistant
    2 x Photocard Printers
    Unlimited Photocards
    Live Projection
    1 x Custom Logo + Text Design on the front of all photocards
    1 x 1GB Thumbdrive with all digital photos
    Includes : Free Slip-In Album + 180 x 4R Photos of our choice

    Free Photocard Guestbook
    1 x 8" x 8: Embossed Frontcover Guestbok from Prints (Black)
    1 x Photocard Printer to print only for the guestbook
    1 x Assistant to manage the book
    Mutiple Coloured Marker Pens
    Extra Photocards for guests to paste in the guestbook
    Adhesive roller

    Finally the photography is done, but our resources also drying up soon~ hahah !! There's still the Bed, Live Band, Mini-Cooper and misc items to go.. .... .. Most importantly, we still have 6 more months to go ! Counting down.. ... ......

    Bryan & Rowena

    *Wedding Packages*

    The next milestone to overcome, Wedding Packages !

    This indeed is a big milestone for us. We're a bit different from the norm pple. We don't want a Pre-Wedding Shoot, don't want a fancy Wedding Gown, don't need a make-up artist, don't need a wedding car provided. Hence, getting a package is of no use. This is all because we already have a volunteer for make-up, we have a KUA sponsered by Constance, she has her own Kebaya, we can borrow a car for wedding, don't like the traditional still and dead photography and we only need a simple dress for our Wedding lunch ! So getting a package is wasting our $$$ ! Plus we HATE bridal shops that HARD-SELL !! Died died wants u to commit on the spot !! Bridal Concept is the WINNER !! The lady boss kept repeating 讲真的,讲真的,讲真的. Kept repeating that they are the best studio that provides the cheapest packages and i can't find anything cheaper. Bloody Packages begins at $2888 !!! We met them at Park Royal Wedding Fair again and OOPS SHE DID IT AGAIN !!! Total Turn OFF !!!

    As usual, things don't turn out the way we wanted. Haha ! It is definitely cheaper by a few hundred dollars to a thousand dollars if we were to arrange everything by ourselves. In the end, to save ourselves from all the trouble to do coordination on our BIG DAY, let the bridal studio do the job.

    Took a Sunday afternoon to walkdown the entire stretch of Tanjong Pagar. Went to quite a few of Bridal Studios like Thomson Wedding, Z Wedding, Yvonne's, La belle, Le Grand, Flamingo. There is this 1 new small bridal boutique, Ilss'adrent, that doesn't attracts me at all but the lady somehow managed to start a small talk with Rowe.

    I was quite impressed by the professionalism that Amber had given to us. She was more concern about how we can get the best gowns from her shop and even tried sketching out the gown that we had in mind. It was her attitude and good service that convinced us to take a package with them. The package was rather steep but we had a 50% discount for that. In the end, it cost us $2894 dollars. I did a research and found out that someone took the same package as us and there wasn't any discounts. Guess we had a great bargain !

    Ilss'adorent Package at $2894

    1 x Wedding Gown (MTM)
    1 x Evening Gown (Off the rack)
    1x Tea Dress or Kua (Off the rack)

    Groom's Suit
    1 x Jacket (Off the rack)
    1 x pair of pants (MTM to keep)

    Bridal Bouquet
    For Studio photography & wedding day (Fresh Flowers)

    Bridal Car Decoration

    Bridal Make-Up and Hairstyling
    2 Sessions : A/D Morning ( Free Ampoules and Eye Lashes)
    1 Trial Make Up
    Studio (4 Hairstyles)

    Indoor & Outdoor Photography

    12" x 18" - 30 pcs Full page with Album
    24" x 30" - Portrait with frame or "3 in 1" (Selected photo)
    4" x 5" - 36pcs (6 Poses selected photos)
    8" x 24" - Mini Album (30 pcs selected photos)
    10 R Mini Album

    Now that the wedding package is done, what's left is to search for our New Bed, Live Band, Photography for Actual Day, Cheoreograph and practice our first dance, Mini-Cooper for our Wedding Car, Mini renovation of my room and house and to SLIM DOWN !! Haha !!! Time to hit the Gym and Tracks !
    Bryan & Rowena

    *Proposal Ring & Wedding Bands*

    Searching for a diamond ring to propose is genuinely simple and easy. Just look at how big the Carats and how good the quality of this CARBON stone is. I can't belive all ladies love DIAMONDS !!! But then again, i was proven WRONG !!! She doesn't like DIAMONDS !!!

    Hah !! Don't know if this is a blessing in disguise or what. She prefer to have a ring with either pearl or precious stone. Been looking around a few outlets including MIKIMOTO and another Pearl Dealer at ION. Finally found the right one for her at MIKIMOTO !! Almost bought the ring on the spot but luckily i didn't. If i did, i will be buying another Diamond Ring. (Don;t ask why... Situation arises). Nevertheless, there was a Lee Hwa Private Sales at Marriott and we went to take a look on the last day of the Sale along with my cousin. Left with 3 hours to end of Sale, we managed to get not 1 but 2 RINGS(1 Belongs to us and another is bought by my cousin, he's jumping into the GRAVEYARD like me too !) 

    Proposal Ring From Lee Hwa Jewellery

    Next, we're shopping for our Wedding Bands ! Been browsing through the magazines and walking into shops, there are really many designs ranging from sophisticated, elegant, white gold, rose gold, yellow gold, diamonds, no diamonds... etc

    There're really quite a few that caught our eyes at Lee Hwa and Soo Kee Jewellery. Plain Rose Gold with double rings criss-crossed. But nothing beats the Wedding Band Specialists - Love & Co (Sub of Soo Kee) We've walked past this shop a few times and thought that its like a high end type of wedding band shop. The settings and the designs in it were dazzling ! There're so many to choose from and we can customise our own Wedding Bands. There's a design that is similiar to what we have in mind. Therefore, $1000 was spent for both our rings ! Another good bargain found ! Love & Co is situation in Vivocity Level 1.

    Love & Co Receipt

    Our Wedding Band Form Love & Co (Rose Gold, Glossy)

    Finally, we've gotten the rings ready, next phase of planning will be on Wedding Packages !

    Bryan & Rowena

    Thursday, September 23, 2010

    *Wedding Venue*

    26th and 27th March 2011, that is our WEDDING DAY ! It's another 6 months and 3 days to go !

    26th March 2011 - Gate crashing and SOKA Ceremony (More updates in time to come). Now to concentrate on 27th March 2011 location is more important !

    Hotels, Restaurants, Clubhouses, Yacht Club, Beach Resort, Orchid Garden, so many to choose from ! Wedding lunch, wedding dinner, buffet, 9 course, western cuisine, chinese cuisine, so many to choose from ! Looking through the research that we've compiled, we're already seeing stars(5 Stars arising !!). Whoever needs information or wants to take over the compiled file, feel free to ask us ! Haha !

    Hotels like Inter-continental, Marina Mandarin, Meritus Mandarin, Pan Pacific, Marriott, St Regis, Conrad, Carlton, Park Royal, Novotel, Grand Park, Hotel Re, Good Wood Park, Four Seasons...etc.

    Clubhouse and Restaurants like, Chevrons, SAF Yacht Club, Bukit Batok CSC, SAFRA Mount Faber, SAFRE Jurong, Jia Xiang Restaurant, Tung Lok Shenton Way,  Peach Garden, Si Chuan Dou Hua..etc

    We shortlisted a few hotels and restaurants, Novotel, Grand Park, Carlton, Park Royal Beach Road, Tung Lok Shenton Way and Jia Xiang Restaurant.

    Novotel was the 1st Hotel that we head down to. That was our first choice. The package was simple and fulfil what we want. However, the planning group was a FLOP(failed to answer our questions and took 1 month to get back to us !) and the banquet room(Square room with low ceiling) wasn't appealing to us. Hence, we walked down the road towards Carlton ! Along the way was Grand Park Central. There wasn't any chance for us to evaluate as the Wedding Planners were all out on a WEEKDAY ! What The Hell !! but they do have a nice Man-Made Garden at the Lobby for Solemnization. Seems like a good setting. Off next was the Carlton Hotel. Walking into Carlton Hotel, they win hands down compared to the first two. Firstly the place is in a good location and they are building a new WING, that means we are holding the wedding in the new ballroom if we commit. The Wedding Planner was damn professional though she's like my age ! She practically covered everything before i open my mouth and she even had a CHINESE CALENDER with her for reference ! Well, both of us and our MOH, Shennie, thought this was it !! We're impressed. Well, lucky i suggested to talk a stroll to Park Royal Beach Road since its just nearby before deciding. Oh Man !! Lucky we didn't shut this hotel out ! Though it is a hotel with LONG HISTORY at Beach Road, Building is old and low, the place is still a bargain ! The package was great ! The Planner, Felicia, threw more perks into what was stated in the package and even went out to secure the garden by the pool for our SOLEMNIZATION ! The view was great and its just outside the banquet ballroom ! Having a garden solemnization by the poolside is exactly what we wanted and the ballroom is big enough to accomodate 40 tables of guests, a dance floor and a stage for my LIVE Band to be. Great ! To add in more perks, we were given 2 suites, St Gregory's SPA are thrown in for us, No Corkage Charges and Free Flow of Alcohol. The rest of it was pretty standard. Wanna know more, ask us for the details~~

    Well, after going through so many, the one that fits our Dream Wedding is PARK ROYAL BEACH ROAD ! We attended their Wedding Fair and its great ! They have themes that are linked to Purple as well ! Nice ! Here are some photos we took ~

    Entrance to the Pavilion


    Surrounding of the Pavilion

    Backdrop of the Hotel  

    Table Setting 1
    Table Setting 2

    Table Setting 3

    Table Setting 4

    Culinary Settings

    We've decided and paid our deposit !
    YES !! 27th March 2011, PARK ROYAL BEACH ROAD, Tentative Time, 11am SOLEMNIZATION at the Garden by the Poolside, Lunch Starts at 1230pm SHARP !!

    Stay tune for more updates !!

    Bryan & Rowena

    *Wedding Date*

    Alright ! 2nd Phase of Planning to be put into action ! That is choosing the DATE !

    Since we're getting married in 2011, whats a good date ? Followed the stupid trend of 11-11-11 ? Nah ! We're not going to be uncreative like them.

    Got a few dates in mind. 24th April 2011 is our first choice, the last day of a 2 year cycle and the beginning of our new journey ! It's also my Best Man (Daniel)'s Birthday ! But that's not important. Haha ! Oops, sorry bro ! 2nd choice, 5th March 2011, my BIRTHDAY ! This is important ! I get to have a WIFE as present ! Haha !

    Anyway, went to check with Shi-Fu with the dates in mind. Well, again, things don't go well as planned. Both dates clashes with ether one of us. Haiz~ Nvm, in the end, we decided to carry out our Wedding on 26th and 27th March 2011 !

    Dear all !! Please Take Note !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks !! Stay tune for more updates !!!

    Bryan & Rowena

    *Invitation List*

    Ok ! Here we go ! We decided to kick off with the invitation list !

    Hmm... We're trying to keep things simple, guests will be relatives and close friends. Hence, we can have a Lunch buffet at a garden with a live band playing our favourtie songs and we can have the first dance ! Sounds like the movies ? Yup ! We're heading towards the western style of wedding where everyone enjoys the atmospher, not wanting the traditional 9-course, take photo from table to table. 200 pax is the max !

    As the namelist gets filled up and gets longer and longer, OH MY GOD !!! We have a hell lot of people to INVITE !!! Shit !! This is screwing up or initial planning !!! We have about 400 PEOPLE after FILTERING !!!

    No choice, we have to go back to traditional 9-course serving~ It is not practical to have buffet line for 400 people !!! Nevertheless, we'll still make it a happening WEDDING !!

    Bryan & Rowena

    *Upcoming Plans*

    The bells are ringing !!! The bells are ringing !!! A Wedding is on our way !!!

    As we're strangers to wedding planning, advices are sought from everywhere, frenz, magazines, bridal forums, bridals apps on the Iphone, Internet, practically its everywhere.
    Live Band, Live Photography, Garden Style, By the beach, Yacht Style, Dance Floor, Purple Theme(Its both our favourite colour !!) etc. There are so many ideas to be pieced together !

    Now that we have so many ideas, time to turn up one notch. We'll start off with invitation list !

    Dear all, if you have ideas, keep it coming, let us know ! We thank you for that !
    Bryan & Rowena

    Wednesday, September 22, 2010

    *The Start Of Our Journey*

    To cut it short, sweet and simple,
    Rumor says that relationship during NDP doesn't always work out, but we have proven it wrong !!

    We got to know each other during NDP 2009. Its been pretty rough along the entire journey..

    Yes !! I find that she's a HORRIBLE and ANNOYING B*tch to work with and She finds that i'm IRRESPONSIBLE and INEFFICIENT A**hole who doesn't answer calls nor reply emails.

    But all was a miscommunication and we realised how happy we are together and how we just clicked !!

    Enough of all the soap opera, and let's get started off to work !!!
    We have a WEDDING to plan for ~!!

    Bryan & Rowena